The tables below show you real money trades we've made during our last three Income Madness Week workshops.
Across 57 total trades made,
we're averaging income of $181.21 per trade.
The magic is how FAST we're collecting that income.Note that 1 day means from one day to the next, not the same day (we're not day-trading options here).
At our goal of 16 to 20 trades during any Income Madness Week event that's $2,800 to $3,600 in potential income.
That's how we reach our cash income goal of $3,000 or more during Income Madness Week.This is what you'll learn how to do when you trade with us during Income Madness Week: collect cash income
By increasing the speed at which you collect income, you:
- Turn your capital over faster, which increases the number of trades you can make.
- Eliminate the possibility of a trade turning against you.
- Have flexibility to make more trades per week, which increases your total income.
- Increase the annual rate of return on your capital.